Saturday, March 29, 2008


Once upon a time, there was once a guywho was very much in love with thisgirl. This romantic guy folded 1,000pieces of papercranes as a gift to hisgirl. Although, at that time he wasjust a small executive in his company,his future doesn't seemed too bright,they were very happy together. Untilone day, his girl told him she wasgoing to Paris and will never comeback. She also told him that she cannotvisualise any future for the both ofthem, so let's go their own ways thereand then... heartbroken, the guyagreed.When he regained his confidence, heworked hard day and night, slogging hisbody and mind just to make somethingout of himself. Finally with all thesehardwork and with the help of friends,this guy had set up his own company..."You never fail until you stop trying."he always told himself. "I must make itin life!"One rainy day, while this guy wasdriving, he saw an elderly couplesharing an umbrella in the rain walkingto some destination. Even with theumbrella, they were still drenched. Itdidn't take him long to realise thosewere his ex-girlfriend's parents. Witha heart in getting back at them, hedrove slowly beside the couple, wantingthem to spot him in his luxury sedan.He wanted them to know that he wasn'tthe same anymore, he had his owncompany, car, condo, etc. He had madeit in life!Before the guy can realise, the couplewas walking towards a cemetary,and hegot out of his car and followedthem...and he saw his ex-girlfriend, aphotograph of her smiling sweetly asever at him from her tombstone... andhe saw his precious papercranes in abottle placed beside her tomb. Herparents saw him. He walked over andasked them why this had happened. Theyexplained, she did not leave for Franceat all. She was stricken ill withcancer. In her heart, she had believedthat he will make it someday, but shedid not want her illness to be hisobstacle ... therefore she had chosento leave him.She had wanted her parents to put hispapercranes beside her, because, if theday comes when fate brings him to heragain he can take some of those backwith him. The guy just wept ...theworst way to miss someone is to besitting right beside them but knowingyou can't have them and will never seethem again.The End."A tragic story that perhaps happensonly in the movies. At the end of theday, money is money is money but loveis divine. In our quest for ourmaterial wealth, take time to make timefor our loved ones. There will be atime when we have only memories tocling to.Take this weekend to show our "love" toall that are close to us.
Layout Designed by Abbeygale; 04-04-08; 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

3 TASKS (taken from my sisters bulletin board)

A guy gets hit by a car and goes tohell. When he gets there, the devil is standing in front of 3 doors. The devil says, "It's your lucky day. I'm gonna give you a chance to get out of hell.You have to complete 3 tasks."Behind this first door is a 1-gallonjug of Jack Daniel's. You have to drain it in one drink."Behind the second door is a 600 lb.grizzly bear with a sore tooth. You have to pull the tooth out."Behind the third door is anymphomaniac. When you've completely satisfied her, you can leave."The guy figures it's worth a shot, sohe goes in the first door and manages to drink the whole jug of liquor. He goes in the second door, shuts it, and the most horrible commotion can be heard from inside the room. 20 minuteslater, the guy finally comes out. Hisclothes are torn to shreds, and he issliced and scratched head to toe.Finally he manages to say, "Ok, where'sthat girl with the sore tooth?" hehehehe (The pic doesn't really match the story... just for the sake of art..)


I am a mother of three (ages 14, 12, 3) and have recently completed my collegedegree. The last class I had to takewas Sociology. The teacherwas absolutely inspiring with thequalities that I wish every human beinghad been graced with. Her last projectof the term was called "Smile."The class was asked to go out and smileat three people and document theirreaction. I am a very friendly personand always smile at everyoneand say, hello anyway ? so, I thought,this would be a piece of cake,literally. Soon after we were assignedthe project, my husband, youngest son,and I went out to McDonalds, one crispMarch morning. It was just our way ofsharing special playtime with ourson.We were standing in line, waitingto be served, when all of a suddeneveryone around us began to back away,and then even my husband did. I did notmove an inch ? an overwhelming feelingof panic welled up inside ofme as I turned to see why they hadmoved. As I turned around I smelled ahorrible "dirty body smell" and therestanding behind me weretwo poor homeless men. As I looked downat the short gentleman, close to me, hewas "smiling". His beautiful sky blueeyes were full of God's Light as hesearched for acceptance. He said, "Goodday" as he counted the few coins he hadbeen clutching.The second man fumbled with his handsas he stood behind his friend. Irealized the second man was mentallydeficient and the blue-eyed gentleman was his salvation. I held mytears ? as I stood there with them. Theyoung lady at the counter asked himwhat they wanted. He said, "Coffee isall Miss" because that was all theycould afford. Tosit in the restaurant and warm up, theyhad to buy something, and they justwanted to be warm.Then I really feltit ? the compulsion was so great Ialmost reached out and embraced thelittle man with the blue eyes. That iswhen I noticed all eyes in therestaurant were set on me ? judging myevery action. I smiled and asked theyoung lady behind the counter to giveme two more breakfast meals on aseparate tray. I then walked around thecorner to the table that the men hadchosen as aresting spot. I put the tray on thetable and laid my hand on the blue-eyedgentleman's cold hand. He looked up atme, with tears in his eyes, andsaid, "Thank you." I leaned over, beganto pat hishand and said, "I did not do this foryou ? God is here working through me togive you hope." I started to cry as Iwalked away to join my husband and son.When I sat down my husband smiled at meand said, "That is why God gave you tome honey ? to give me hope." We heldhands for a moment and at that time weknew that only because of the Gracethat we had been given that we wereable to give. That day showed me thepure Light of God's sweet love. Ireturned to college, on the lastevening of class, with this story inhand. I turned in "my project" and theinstructor read it ? then she looked upat me and said, "Can I share this?" Islowly nodded as she got the attentionof the class.She began to read and that is when Iknew that we, as human beings and beingpart of God, share this need to healpeople and be healed. In my own way Ihad touched the people at McDonalds, myhusband, son,instructor, and every soul that sharedthe classroom on the last night I spentas a college student.I graduated withone of the biggest lessons I would everlearn ? UNCONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE.Much love and compassion sent to eachand every person who may read this andlearn how to Love People and Use Things - Not Love Things and Use People.