Thursday, April 3, 2008

DAMN DOG (taken from my sisters bulletin board)

A woman goes to her boyfriends'parents' house for Easter dinner. Thisis to be her first time meeting thefamily, and she is very nervous.They all sit down and begin eating afine meal. The woman is beginning tofeel a little discomfort, thanks to hernervousness and the broccoli casserole.The gas pains are almost making hereyes water. Left with no other choice,she decides to relieve hersel! f a bitand lets out a dainty fart. It wasn'tloud, but everyone at the table heardthe poof. Before she even had a chanceto be embarrassed, her boyfriend'sfather looked over at the dog that hadbeen snoozing under the woman's chair,and said in a rather sternvoice, "Skippy!"The woman thought, "This is great!" anda big smile came across her face. Acouple of minutes later, she wasbeginning to feel the pain again. Thistime, she ! didn't even hesitate. Shelet a much louder and longer rrrriiip.The father again looked and the dog andyelled, "Dammit "Skippy!"Once again the woman smiled andthought "Yes!" A few minutes later thewoman had to let another rip. This timeshe didn't even think about it. She letrip a fart that rivaled a train whistleblowing. Once again, the father lookedat the dog with disgust andyelled, "Dammit Skippy, get away fromher, before she shits on you!"

Layout Designed by Abbeygale, 4th of April 2008 at exactly 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The beginning of love, is to let thosewe love be perfectly themselves and nottwist them with our own image --otherwise, we love only the reflectionof ourselves we find in them? Thehappiest people don't necessarily havethe best of every-thing...they justmake the most out of everything thatcomes their way.The best kind of friend is the one youcan sit on a porch with, never saying aword and then walk away, feeling likethat was the best conversation you'vehad.Don't go for looks -- it can deceive.Don't go for money -- even wealth fadesaway.Go for someone who makes you smile,because only a smile makes a dark dayseem bright. Happiness lies for thosewho cry, those who hurt, those who havesearched and those who have tried. Foronly they can appreciate the importanceof the people who have touched theirlives.Love is when you take away the feeling,the passion and the romance... and youfind out you still care for thatperson. Love comes to those who stillhope even though they've beendisappointed, those who still believe,even though they have been betrayed andthose who still love even thoughthey've been hurt before. Maybe Godwants us to meet a few wrong people,before meeting the right one, so thatwhen we finally meet the right person,we should know how to be grateful forthat gift. It hurts to love someone andnot be loved in return. But, what isthe most painful is to love someone andnever find the courage to let theperson know how you feel. The brightestfuture will always be based on aforgotten past ... you can't go on inlife until you let go of your pastfailures and heartaches.Giving someone all your love is neveran assurance that they'll love youback! Don't expect love in return, justwait for it to grow in Their hearts.But, if it doesn't, be content it grewin yours. There are things that youwould love to hear, but you never hearit from the person you want to. Don'tbe deaf to hear it from the person whosays it with their heart.When you were born, you were crying andeveryone around you was smiling. Liveyour life so that when you die, you aresmiling and everyone around you iscrying.When one door of happiness closes,another opens. But often we look solong at the closed door, that we don'tsee the one which has just been openedfor us.Always put yourself in the other'sshoes. If you feel that it hurts you,it probably hurts the other person,too. A sad thing about life is when youmeet someone who means a lot to you ...only to find out in the end, that itwas never meant to be and you just haveto let go.It takes a minute to have a crush onsomeone ... an hour to like someone...aday to love someone...but it takes alifetime to forget someone.Love starts with a smile, develops witha kiss and ends with a tear.

LIFE TOGETHER (taken from my sisters bulletin board)

One fine day, an old couple around theage of 70, walks into a lawyer'soffice.Apparently, they are there to file adivorce.Lawyer was very puzzled, after having achat with them, he got their story....This couple had been quarreling alltheir 40 over yrs of marriage nothingever seems to go right.They hang on because of their children,afraid that it might affect their up-bringing. Now, all their children havealready grown up, have their ownfamily, there's nothing else the oldcouple have to worry about, all theywanted is to lead their own life freefrom all these years of unhappinessfrom their marriage, so both agree on adivorce....Lawyer was having a hard time trying toget the papers done, because he feltthat after 40 yrs of marriage at theage of 70, he couldnt understand whythe old couple would still want adivorce..While they were signing the papers, thewife told the husband.."I really love u, but i really cantcarry on anymore, I'm sorry..""Its o.k, i understand.." said thehusband. Lookin at this, the lawyersuggested a dinner together, just 3 ofthem,wife thought, why not, since theyare still gonna be friends..At the dining table, there was asilence of awkardness.The first dish was roasted chicken,immediately, the old man took thedrumstick for the old lady.."take this,its your favourite.."Looking at this, the lawyer thoughtmaybe theres still a chance, but thewife was frowning when she answer.."This is always the problem, you alwaysthink so highly of yourself, neverthought about how I feel, dont you knowthat i hate drumsticks?"Little did she know that, over theyears, the husband have been trying allways to please her, little did she knowthat drumsticks was the husband'sfavourite. Little did he know that shenever thought he understand her at all,little did he know that she hatesdrummsticks even though all he wants isthe best for her.That night, both of them couldnt sleep,toss and turn, toss and turn...afterhours, the old man couldnt take itanymore, he knows that he still lovesher, and he cant carry on life withouther, he wants her back, he wants totell her, he is sorry, he wanted totell her "i love you"...He picks up the phone, starting dialingher number....ringing never stops..henever stop dialing....On the other side, she was sad, shecouldn’t understand how come after allthese years, he still doesnt understandher at all, she loves him a lot, butshe just cant take's ringing, she refusesto answer knowing that its him..."whatsthe point of talking now that itsover...i have ask for it and now iwanna keep it this way, if not i willlose face.."she thought...stillringing...she have decided to pull outthe cord...Little did she remember, he have heartproblems...The next day, she received news that hehad passed away...she rushed down tohis apartment, saw his body, lying onthe couch still holding on to thephone...he had a heart attack when hewas still trying to get through herphone line....As sad as she could be...she will haveto clear his belongings...when she waslooking thru the drawers, she saw thisinsurance policy, dated from the daythey got married, with the beneficiarybeing her... And together in thosefile, there was this note..."To my dearest wife, by the time you'rereading this, I'm sure I'm no longer around, I bought this policy for you,though the amount is only $100k, I hopeit will be able to help me continue mypromise that i have made when we gotmarried, I might not be around anymore,I want this amount of money to continuetaking care of you, just like the way Iwill if I could have live longer. Iwant you to know Iwill always bearound, by your side... I love you"Tears flowed like river......"When you love someone, let themknow... You never know what will happenthe next minute.... Learn to build alife together.. Learn to love eachother. For who they are.. not what they are..."

Designed by Abbeygale 04-02-08

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


I'm not really sure what idea behind this creation I just mixed Jessica Alba, Kurt C., Evanescence and some other unknown individuals. Finished at exactly 3:00 p.m., 1st of April